Winnipeg: From Strangers to Besties In an Airport & New Lovers

Written by Selene Candace

Airplanes, how they captivate us with their ability to transport us swiftly and effortlessly to our desired destinations. They are a marvel of efficiency and speed, traversing vast distances across the globe, offering us a splendid perspective of the world. Yet, alongside this admiration, there exists a disdain, not solely for the well-known reasons. Their adverse impact on the environment, the time they consume, the toll of jet lag, and the expense incurred. No, there is something more tormenting: turbulence. How it vexes me. As I pen these words, seated in the aisle, a seat I specifically selected, I am plagued by an overwhelming bout of turbulence during this flight. Damn you, Lake Superior. In stark contrast, my previous journey was an uninterrupted glide. A hazy memory devoid of any notable incidents. That, to me, is the preferred mode of travel: uneventful and, most importantly, secure.

When the world around me starts to tremble, be it metaphorically or literally, panic sets in. Thankfully, I have the company of Ryan and his buddy, whom I met in the smoking section (a temporary indulgence for my trip, mind you) outside the terminal. They are quite the entertaining duo. Perhaps a tad too entertaining… I am certain I have gained some new customers and new friends in Sudbury, that much is guaranteed!

Winnipeg, what an exhilarating city you proved to be. Bursting with a wealth of history, I would certainly be inclined to return. The locals were incredibly amiable, and my adventures in sightseeing gifted me with numerous friendships, including some of the four-legged variety—my favourite kind.

And as for my newfound lovers, allow me to express my astonishment at their ability to leave me utterly astounded, both within the confines of the bedroom and beyond. Their remarkable generosity was a sight to behold. Take note, gentlemen of Ottawa, for these lovers have set quite the standard!

Rest assured, I shall make my return sooner rather than later. Until we meet again, my cherished friends!