Why I Have A Strict No Review Policy (NRP)

Written by Selene Candace

This industry is known for its seedy review sites and slobbyists who smear our names all over it with misogynistic comments and intimate details about what went on behind closed doors during session. It’s pure trash. That’s why I have a strict No Review Policy (NRP). 

Review boards are often used by people (I say people, because unless you’re a paying customer, you’re not my client) to discuss rate, appearance and skills of sex workers. They’re even able to create private forums to gather more information and have been known to ‘gang up’ on newer and more vulnerable workers by haggling rates and teasing tactics. “The general tone is a combination of blatant objectification of women (“it”?) and Yelp-style commentary (you can pretty much substitute “pussy” for “steak dinner” in the last sentence of the [screencap here])”. This slimy attempt to get workers to lower their rates, or bother them ‘just for fun’ has a real impact on business. 

The language used on the review sites is vulgar, offensive and disrespectful. The reason they get away with it is due to their anonymity on these sites. Furthermore, people (slobbyists), have been known to post fake reviews because they feel they’ve been wronged in some way. According to Libertine, “the fear of negative reviews that can push women to eschew safety measures or to perform acts they’re not comfortable doing [,] encourages people to take more risks, because these clients are now communicating with each other about who does what.” Take for instance workers who take safety precautions like using condoms; you’ll find many slobbyists who complain about the workers who are doing their due diligence to provide safe services to their clients. It’s a backwards place to be, these review boards. 

One of my colleagues posted about how clients who don’t screen are the epitome of those who wish you were dead. I concur. None of these slobbyists will agree to screen, as they don’t have your best interests in mind, let alone even having respect for you. The derogatory nature of the boards makes me irk. It goes against my feminist values and beliefs. That is why I don’t allow them. Bad or good. If a client (a paying client) has positive, or constructive feedback) they wish to share with me, they can email me. 


Candace Selene