Why Escorts Are A Better Option Than One Night Stand

Written by Selene Candace

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The reasons for going to a professional over a one night stand are obvious from my point of view, but I understand that one might be on the fence about seeing a professional. I’ve outlined some of the major benefits to seeing an escort as opposed to having a one night stand below to help make your decision easier.

Happy reading!

A Guaranteed Good Time

An escort is a professional lover and a guaranteed good time. She won’t end up crying in your arms over her ex after the deed is done and ask you to console her. You can be sure your date will be filled with laughs, intimacy and fun. With a one night stand, you never know what you’re going to get— it’s hit or miss.

In addition, you’re paying to not be bothered in between appointments. That’s part of the experience. Engaging with a professional allows you to have a fulfilling sexual experience without the emotional or relational obligations that can come with casual or one-night encounters. You get to have this fantasy date that fulfills all of your deepest desires, and then, you get to be left completely alone once the post-nut clarity hits. We’re not going to bother you. The next time you’ll see us is on our next rendezvous.

When seeing an escort, you can decide on the kind of evening you want to have as she’s ensuring your needs are met. Sex workers often have experience and expertise in various sexual techniques, ensuring a satisfying and pleasurable experience. This can be especially valuable for those seeking to explore new experiences or improve their sexual confidence. For example, if you want to cuddle after sex or not. You don’t have to attend to compromises you’re not fond of, you don’t have to buy gifts (however, we always appreciate gifts and they never go unnoticed; it’s the best way to make you stand out from the crowd 🙂 check out my wishlist here), or meet the family, and especially no chance of getting cheated on. All that time that you can spend on yourself doing something productive.

Sex Work & Self Care

I heard a different perspective as well. It was from a gentleman who had self-esteem issues. ‘I don’t really like myself very much, so I’m immediately wary of anyone who might be actually interested in me for something more serious than a single night, or more serious than a financial transaction,’ he says. He goes on to say that he’s had a hard time imagining being with someone long-term without having to manipulate their impression of himself. ‘Also, the fear of becoming truly, intimately invested in someone is terrifying because it means that they can really hurt you, so that’s why I prefer escorts’ he states. This absolutely makes sense. Professional sex workers can provide a safe, nonjudgmental space for those who deal with self-esteem issues, trauma or to openly discuss desires and preferences without fear of stigma or rejection.

Everyone craves affection and intimacy, that’s just human nature. Sex workers can provide companionship and intimacy while maintaining emotional boundaries which is beneficial for those seeking connection without the complexities of traditional relationships. For those with mental health issues and body issues, sex workers can aid in the transition through working through fears, like that of intimacy. For example, working through looking people in the eyes and getting comfortable with human touch through slowly gaining each other’s trust in sessions over time. It’s truly a beautiful experience to see once you’ve been a part of it.

Sex workers have always been a part of healing for people who crave and need this kind of intimacy. And for those who’ve endured trauma, sex workers offer this support as the majority of us have also experienced some kind of trauma ourselves, as statistics have shown. We’re loving and caring people, and I think it’s time that we start to understand the huge benefits that sex workers can play in the healing of people with disabilities. Some countries have already taken the step toward covering sex work for those with disabilities. People in the Netherlands, where sex work is completely legal, can use their disability benefits however they like, including purchasing sex. We have a long way to go here in Canada as sex work is highly stigmatized.

Note: sex workers should never take the place of psychologists/ psychiatrists/ therapy. If you are struggling, please seek medical attention.

Disease Free

A professional escort always has regular testing done, undergoing regular health screening and following safety protocols to reduce the risk of STIs. With a one night stand, you don’t know what their standards are like and you don’t know their sexual history. But with an escort, you know they’re a professional, and always taking care of themselves. Knowing that you are disease free, and using protection properly, can put you at ease during your session.

Your Needs Come First

With an escort, your needs are her top priority. She is making sure that you are having the time of your life as she wants you to return. She’ll get out toys, body oil, and go to town. She’ll worship you. With a one night stand, your partners needs are also important, so this takes away from your experience. That’s why a night with an escort is your best bet.

Open and honest communication is essential to a satisfying experience. As one man said, ‘it’s straightforward, no need to beat around the bush and also no need to invest time’. This makes perfect sense. Spending time with an escort is straightforward in the sense that your date will be planned out ahead of time, so no humming and hawing about where to eat and what to do during the evening. During your encounter, there won’t be any awkward silences as your escort knows exactly what she’s doing as she’s done this before. She has a head full of conversation topics and fun activities for you to do. Once the date is over, that’s it, you wont need to invest any additional time making sure she’s okay or following up with her. That’s the beauty of seeing an escort.

‘It’s straightforward, no need to beat around the bush and also no need to invest time.’


Saved Time

You don’t have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings when booking a date with an escort as it’s purely a professional encounter. Everyone is on the same page.

As one gentleman put it, ‘according to economics, it’s the opportunity cost and economies of scale. Sure, I have to pay the escort like $10,000 for a week but in return, my time is less wasted because everything is quantifiable, direct and straightforward.’ He explained that if he had a girlfriend, there would be compromises. For example, watching movies you don’t want to watch, going places you don’t want to go, and sometimes talking about things you don’t want to talk about because no one is completely alike and that’s what people in relationships have to do in order to maintain a healthy balance. He concluded that being in a long term relationship costs him more time, energy and money if he really thought about all aspects of the situation. He also clarified that he’s simply not ready for a long term relationship yet. He went on to say, ‘on the surface, a girlfriend may only cost you $5,000 a week (unless she pays everything for you) but, if I go with an escort, with the saved time, I can focus more on my businesses and easily recover that money back.’

I hope you gained a little bit of insight into why choosing an escort is better than choosing a one night stand, let alone safer!

