Written by Selene Candace

Updated: December 28, 2022

sexwork goals motivation

The year is coming to an end, have you met your 2022 goals?

Let’s revisit some of my older goals, and produce some new goals!

I set these goals about 6 months ago, and I didn’t have a timeline in mind except for the last one, so that crucial. But let’s take a look anyways.


+ Longer bookings. Obtaining 3 hours – half day bookings & FMTY’s will be the norm. Phase out of offering 2 hour appointments, and making 3 hours the minimum.

—Well this didn’t happen; but at least I stayed where I was and didn’t move backwards!

+ Book an appointment every day of the week

—This didn’t happen either; I do however wonder where my mind was at when I wrote this goal as I did not even try to make this goal happen during the last 6 months as it wasn’t a want either. Was I trying to get busier in hopes of making more money perhaps? In any case, this will come off my list of goals for 2023.

+ Stop taking appointments after 7 pm

—We sort of made this happen! Sort of. I’d say 50/50. But! If you Google ‘Candace Selene’, my website is the first thing that pops up— #proud:)

+ Eventually stop advertising on major advertising sites and only need to rely on my own website

—Nope, still relying on Twitter & Tryst.

+ Eventually raise my hourly to $1,000.

—Well my 2h is 1k and that’s my min duration so does that count? Probably not.

+ Tour Toronto more for work and personal growth.


+ Eventually becoming a spoiled girlfriend/travel companion/paid mistress to several sponsors, and minimizing the amount of clients I see, if any.

—Definitely did not happen; this is a long term goal for exiting the industry.

+ Monetarily: $500,000 in savings before 35 (I’m currently 27).

—Almost 😉

+ Exit around 38, before I’m 40.

—Not there yet!

This little exercise just showed me that I have a LOT to work on! But that’s okay! I thrive on trying to be the BEST human being (and sex worker) I can be!

I’m going to rewrite my goals because as I read them, them don’t make sense anymore, and some need adjustments. Also, I have some new goals! As I took on a new endeavour this year, I can’t forget to work on some new goals for my OF!

New goals

+Generate 150 new subs by March

—Need to work at Reddit promotion and TikTok more

+Make it into the top 5% by March

—Currently in the top 8-9% so doable; need to work on my MAXXX VIP PAGE (just started it today ;))

+More traffic to my adult profile/website

—Doing well at but need new leads; get Premium Tryst?

+Build brand awareness

—Set realistic goals, track social media metrics, and create a social media strategy to attract new customers, build brand trust and gather audience data

+Build a community around your adult brand—#3

—Learn about Content Pillars, stay consistent with my newsletter, and solidify my brand’s mission, vision and personality to convert followers into repeat customers


+Grow revenue

—An obvious objective

+ Obtain longer bookings. Obtaining 4 hours – half day bookings & FMTY’s will be the norm. Phase out of offering 2 hour appointments, and making 3 hours the minimum.

+ Stop taking appointments after 7 pm

+ Eventually stop advertising on major advertising sites and only need to rely on my own website

+ Eventually raise my hourly to $1,000.

+ Eventually becoming a spoiled girlfriend/travel companion/paid mistress to several sponsors, and minimizing the amount of clients I see, if any.

+ Monetarily: $500,000 in savings before 35 (I’m currently 27).

+ Exit around 38, before I’m 40.

So there you have it, my 2023 goals. What are your goals for the new year?

Comment below!

