Romanticize Your Life

Written by Selene Candace

#inspirational #selfimprovement #selflove #dreamlife #growthmindset #selfcare

Updated: November 4, 2022

Romanticize the life you live.

In this social media era, comparison is at an all time high. We’re forever searching for what we don’t have, and idolizing those who seem to have it all. But the truth is, it’s an illusion. Most people aren’t living extravagant lives; social media is just a highlight reel. People only post their best moments, so of course their lives appear perfect.

Believing in this illusion brings unnecessary self doubt, stress, anxiety and depression. This is why we shouldn’t idolize anyone on social media; it’s fake. Instead, turn inwards and let’s focus on our own lives— let’s romanticize our own lives. Focus on the simplicity of making your coffee in the morning in your favourite mug, noticing the calmness of the morning air, the way your slippers feel as you slip them on in the morning.

Find moments of joy throughout the day so that you can see just how beautiful your life is.

Show the universe that you’re open to receiving more by being grateful for what you already have. This becomes easy when you romanticize the life you already have.

Ideas for Romanticizing Your Life

  • Wake up on a morning and before you look at your phone, take a moment to listen to the birds outside
  • Take time to drink your coffee on a morning instead of rushing it– taste it, smell it, savour it
  • Buy yourself fresh flowers and put them on display
  • Sit and people watch outside a café in the sun
  • Take your favourite book and go read in the park
  • Wear the nicest thing in your wardrobe, even if you’re just in the house
  • Take more pictures in everyday life
  • Meditate
  • Walk bare foot on the grass and connect to the earth in the best possible way
  • Volunteer at a pet shelter and give some love back into the world
  • Have a detox bath with candles, salts, hair and face mask
  • Celebrate the small wins instead of waiting for the big things to happen
  • Lay down and just look at the beauty of the stars on a clear night
  • Spend more time with your loved ones, as it’s about who you spend your time with, not what you have

You deserve to be happy and the main character of your life (cheesy I know- but true). Choose happiness and to be content.

Live the life you want.