My Sex Work Bucket List

Written by Selene Candace

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

Because Who Doesn’t Have Big Dreams?

All it takes is reading one article on another escort’s Sex Work Bucket List and here I am writing my own!

Hi, my name is Candace Selene, and this is my Sex Work Bucket List.

I think of myself as down-to-earth and easy to get along with. I didn’t come from money, I worked my ass off to get to where I am today. My curiosity sparked when I was a little girl and never burnt out. I aspire to be the best version of myself and exceed all expectations (from myself- I’m my biggest competition).

Bucket List

Have All Expenses Paid:

  • I’m not snobby, in fact, I’m actually quite down-to-earth. I’ve done my high end and elite advertising yet yearn for something more. Before I quit, I’d like to be a spoiled girlfriend/ travel companion/ paid mistress to several sponsors and limit the amount of clients I see. I want the satisfaction of building my brand, I want the (perceived) glamour, and I want the bragging rights. I’m aware this is controversial, but I’m okay with that. Also, I really like money. More importantly, I want be comfortable providing for myself and my puppy.

Tour Europe:

  • How lovely would it be to sit in a French cafe, listening to the chitchat of the locals? Or be reading on the beach in Spain? Or touring the little shops in Croatia? Just to be (politely) interrupted by a generous stranger with offerings for all you can imagine. Now that is my cup of tea.

Monetarily: $500k in Savings before I’m 35 (I’m Currently 27):

  • Not the most exciting goal, but a reasonable goal. If I want that beach house and 100 acres for my puppy, I’ve got to start acting right.

Hire Another Sex Worker:

  • My anxiety! The excitement! Oh how I’m getting giddy already! This is something I would have never thought of doing before. But why not? Why can’t I enjoy a night of carefree fun without emotions attached?

Attempt Street Work:

  • I have the upmost respect for street workers and survival workers. What they do cannot be easy. It would be empowering to prove to myself that should anything happen, I’m capable of doing to most back-to-basics form of sex work. Pre-internet, pre-tryst, pre-SEO. This is unnerving due to how much I despise freestyling and swore it off years ago. But you can never be too comfortable in your current position, so trying new endeavours is paramount to success. And who says you can’t just jump right back on your feet again?

An International FMTY:

  • Who doesn’t want this? Also, I want to take enough of a client’s money to stuff into a Chanel bag. But in all seriousness, when the world gets back to normal, I’m manifesting a 10 day getaway somewhere warm.


  • It’s wild to me that I’ve never done this. I entered the world of sex work as an independent companion and remain an independent companion. Stripping in some dream universe where I wouldn’t immediately fall over ass first as soon as I attempted a floor show is the dream.

So there you have it, my Sex Work Bucket List. I have lots of half finished/ mixed visions floating around in my head like making a porn- that isn’t embarrassing (I want my body to look immortal, I want to look like art, I want to look like the most beautiful specimen you’ve ever laid your eyes on- is that too much to ask? I still have to work through my internalized whorephobia for this one, but I can feel it coming, I’m manifesting it), or going to a secluded cabin up north (think fireside, bearskin rug, dinner just the two of us- but also seclusion = danger so maybe not). Some of my ideas are implausible. I’m not as adventurous as I sometimes think. Yet I do find myself checking off boxes throughout the years. My bucket list keeps me sane at the same time it keeps me dreaming.

Follow providers, what’s on your Sex Work Bucket List?